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2013, Here I Come: This Fiddler’s Goals for the New Year

small__8318609968I know I have said this before, but I love this time of year! It is a new start! A do-over. Time to look at where you have been and decide where you are going! Here is what 2013 looks like:

Goal #1: Improve my health (does this sound familiar?)

This is an ongoing goal that I will have for the rest of my life! I have come so far in the last three years and want to continue! I don’t have a set goal weight in mind, but am just following this journey until it seems right to stop.

Goal #2: Work on getting some of my music placed in movies/TV

Last year I took a course on music licensing, which is the term for getting your music placed in movies and on TV. I did not have much time to spend on the course, so this year I will be taking more time to focus on it.

Goal #3: Publish a fiddle tune book

I have been writing tunes for quite a while and now am in the process of entering them into Finale. I am going to be compiling them along with some traditional favourites. My goal is to have this done by the summer.

Goal #4: Record CD number 4

I have some ideas for several CDs, but my aim is to get one done this year. I believe it is going to be a Christmas CD. We shall see…

Goal #5: RCM Grade 6 cello exam

Last year I did my first paid gig on the cello. I need something new to focus on so I will continue to work on the instrument, so I have decided that I would like to do my grade 6 exam with the Royal Conservatory of Music. I need the pressure to excel!

Goal #6: Read two books a month

A friend and I have been talking about how much time we spend on-line playing around on Facebook and other such sites. I used to read a lot, and have decided to return to this excellent pastime.

What goals do you have for this year?

photo credit: Captain Kimo via photopin cc

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