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2015 – A Year in Review

dates-595062_1920It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of 2015. I have been told many times that time seems to move faster as you get older… I don’t know how that will be possible as it is already flying by! Even though it went quickly, I would say that 2015 was a good year. Here is what happened:


  1. I won Educator of the Year from Music NB! This is an award that I have really wanted to win, so it was exciting that it happened!
  2. I launched my first online fiddle class. Sadly, it ended up not running, but I am launching another one now that will indeed be going ahead! Registration is currently open.
  3. I offered more group classes at my private teaching studio. Like the online class, I did not even get to running the classes, but will try again. It seems that I often have to take a second run at these things to get them up and going.
  4. Set up a regular practice schedule including technique, baroque, classical, and rehearsals with several bands.
  5. Formed a new band performing pop covers.
  6. Have started working on getting my music placed in movies and on TV by signing up for several music libraries. I had a very promising conversation with one TV show, but that has not amounted to anything just yet. I have been told that this process can also be a long one.


  1. Walking 2015 in 2015… Well, I did not make it, but kind of did. I walked 1854km, but did the equivalent of 492km in Pilates, so if I count both of them together, that gets me to 2346. I would have liked to have made it to 2015 with just walking, but am logging this one as a success anyway.
  2. Speaking of Pilates, that has been going really well, and I have made it an average of 2-3 times a week.
  3. I have continued my effort to go to bed at a reasonable hour with success. I have felt less tired in general this year than in past years. I do still get worn down during busy times.

As far as failures go, the big one was not going to tour Ireland. I put that on hold because of being invited to perform at a festival in England, which ended up being a scam. By the point I realized that it was a scam, I was unable to put together my own tour. This goal will have to be moved up to next year.

So, overall, it was a really good year for me, and I hope that you all had a great year as well!

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