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Author: Web Manager

Destined to be an Entrepreneur….

As a child, I did not have it in mind that I was going to be self-employed. Now that I look back on my life, I remember reading “World Magazine”.  […]

Tips & Tricks: Primary Reimbursement

So, in my last blog I talked about how financial advice can carry over into the music world.  This month I wanted to continue with this theme. Primary Reimbursement – […]

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

I believe that this is advice given in the financial world…  Well, I would also give this advice in the music world!  This past week I did an interview with […]

2016 – A Year in Review

As many of you know, I love this time of year.  Yes, I love Christmas, but I also love the idea of starting over.  The idea of taking a look […]

The Tortoise and the Hare

I am sure that you are familiar with this parable…  The tortoise works away slowly but surely while the hare gets distracted, and ends up losing the race.  Perhaps I […]

Music – A Universal Language

It is currently my pleasure to be teaching two Syrian girls who are newcomers to our community. This has been a lovely adventure! The girls did not speak any English when they first came… and yet Music is a Universal Language.

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