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Music NB Awards

Music NB AwardsThere is a great scene in the movie “In and Out” in which Cameron Drake (an actor) is at the academy awards. He is on the red carpet headed in and is talking to an interviewer about how he feels that artists should not be forced to compete against each other like dogs. The interviewer says to him “Then why are you here?” The answer? “In case I win!” I love this scene in the movie and kind of feel that way myself.

I just won the “Classical Artist of the Year” from Music NB, and wanted to share the story with you of the awards gala. The night of the gala it was rainy and I had just finished a day of teaching. It seemed like a long way to drive just to go to a gala. I really didn’t want to go, and considered staying home, but decided that I should go to network with other musicians and industry professionals. I hadn’t considered winning to be an actual possibility, so networking was the only real reason to go.

Kim and I drove to Moncton through the rain, and I talked to a few other musicians. We sat down at a table to watch the ceremony and Kim asked if I had prepared my speech. “I don’t need a speech!” I replied.

We got to the point in the evening where the winner for “classical artist of the year” was going to be announced. I was really surprised when my name was called! David Adams, my violin teacher from high school was also up for the same award, and I had assumed he would win.

I was really excited to have won this award! I am actually better known for my fiddling in this area than for my work as a classical musician, so it is really nice to be recognized for this part of what I do. I was really pleased to have Richard Hornsby presenting the award as much of my work as a classical musician has been with him, and it was really nice to have David Adams there to see me receive the award.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me and thanks to everyone who has helped me to get where I am!

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