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Reflections on 2018

We are coming to the end of the year, which means that it is time to reflect on what has been going on as well as what is yet to come!

I don’t know how you like to look at your goals, but I like to write everything down.  I have a book where I have been keeping my goals since 2012.  I write down my goals usually about twice a year and divide them out ViolinAndInkinto career, financial, family, friends, health, and house.  I write down the steps I need to take in order to fulfill my goals, the date that I wrote it, and the date by which I would like to have accomplished it.  When I do accomplish one of my goals, I go back to it and write the date it was completed in big letters across it.

So recently, I just confidently took down my book of goals to see what I had wanted to accomplish in 2018 and to see how close I had come…  There was nothing.  Not only that, but there was nothing written in 2017 either!  The last time I wrote goals in this book was December of 2016!

Given that I apparently had no goals for this past year, I can’t tell you if I succeeded or not, but here are my big wins:

  1. My band Different Folk released a CD.  We started the process in January and released it in March, so it was a whirlwind project.  I am quite pleased with it; and it had been received quite well.
  2. My online academy celebrated it’s one-year anniversary.  Last October I launched my online academy “Fiddling for Fun!” a place that you can learn how to fiddle from home with my guidance.  The academy has been growing and is now moving into it’s second year.
  3. My private studio students are learning to play duets together.  Ever since I started teaching I have always wanted to provide a chance for my students to play together.  I have tried starting ensembles several times, but this time have decided to start with duets.  It is going very well and I am excited to be able to provide this opportunity to my students.
  4. I have been writing to my family and long distance friends once a month.  It is great to keep in touch even though we don’t get to see each other often.
  5. I have been regularly doing Pilates 3 times a week and walking 5 times a week.
  6. Tom and I have continued doing Tea & Tunes each week on Facebook live and are now at episode 95.  I was disappointed that we won’t make it to 100 this year, but 2019 here we come!

I am pleased with all of this progress that I have made.  Having said that, I have felt a little adrift since part way through the summer.  I am looking forward to Christmas and some time off.  I think this year I will make sure that I sit down and work out some goals for 2019!

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