Each year, as I teach my students, I see some of the same issues. These are all issues that I have had as well! The issue that I want to […]
Each year, as I teach my students, I see some of the same issues. These are all issues that I have had as well! The issue that I want to […]
The month of August was challenging for me mentally! I decided at the end of last year to start treating my teaching studio more as a business. I have been […]
Over the years I have taught many adults; a question that is often posed to me is: “Is it worth it for me to continue with this, or am I […]
As those of you how have been following me for a while know, I like to set goals twice a year! Most of us have taken the summer off from […]
I have always been a shy person. It is amazing that I have grown up to live such a public life of performing, blogging, and being active on social media! […]
I spent time a couple of weeks in August and September recording a new CD and here are a few things that I was reminded of while practicing: Start slow: […]
It is currently my pleasure to be teaching two Syrian girls who are newcomers to our community. This has been a lovely adventure! The girls did not speak any English when they first came… and yet Music is a Universal Language.
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice… I am sure that you have all heard that old chestnut! Sometimes even once you have practiced a difficult passage until […]
“It sounded so much better at home!” How many times have you said that to your teacher? Trust me, we all have! I know that I had that thought many […]
Recently two students came to me with the same concern. “One moment I can play the piece just fine, but when I try again, it is terrible!” Welcome to life as […]