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The Legacy Project: It All Comes Together!

Danny, Katherine, SkipAfter all of the work, the Legacy Project has finally all come together!  The recording is done, the mixing is done, the design is done, most of the advertising is done, and now I have two of my four CD launches under my belt.

It is really nice to have the project launched and to have money coming in from CD sales.  All through any project I always fear that maybe in the end nobody will come to the launches and nobody will buy the CDs.  Thankfully that has not been the case!

The first launch (in Fredericton) went very well with a record number of people attending my concert.  I had done a lot of work advertising the concert and was lucky enough to get a lot of media coverage (radio interviews with CHSR, CBC and Mark Roberts’ East Coast Music Show), newspaper coverage in the Daily Gleaner and the Woodstock Bugle-Observer, as well as on-line coverage ( and was featured artist of the week on the MusicNB website  The show was well received, and CD sales went very well.

With this CD I have been much more active at trying to get the word out about it and have been actively trying to sell it in stores as well.  It has been gratifying to collect money from local stores that are carrying this CD!  The number of sales since that first launch has been great!

For launch number 2, Tom Richards and I headed up to Woodstock to play at the Celtic Fox Café, a fairly new venue.  We really had no idea how many people might attend this show since I am not known in the area.  At least in Fredericton I had the hometown advantage.  The show was amazing!  The venue was a wonderful quirky space and the crowd was fantastic!  Sales were not as good a Fredericton, but we still did sell a few CDs and raise more money for the local food banks.

Now we are prepping for CD launch number 3 in Harvey.  I am hoping for a big audience because I have the hometown advantage again.  I moved to Harvey 8 years ago, and the community has taken me in!

I am still making lots of sales to people who were not able to attend any of the shows and keep replenishing the stores that carry the CDs.  We have raised over $1700 so far for the local food banks.  I definitely want to raise over $2000 and would love to aim even higher than that!

Please make sure that you purchase your copy on-line at (physical copy), at (digital copy) or at Tony’s Music Box, Sweet Belgian Desire or Real Food Connections in Fredericton.

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