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Tips & Tricks: The 5 Minute a Day Challenge

small__3296379139Do you every think “I should go practice, but there really isn’t enough time?”  I know I have!  Also, there are days that I sit on the couch with lots of time thinking “I should really go practice”, but never quite make it.  Even though I am a professional musician, and even though I love playing the violin, I do not always want to practice!  I can come up with any number of reasons why I “can’t” practice!

So, here is my goal for 2014!  My goal is to practice every day.  Yes, every day, for at least 5 minutes.  “Five minutes?”  you say!  “Why only five minutes?”  Well, here are 3 reasons why:

1.  I am never really so busy that I can’t fit in five minutes of violin.

2.  Once I pick up my violin, I rarely practice for only 5 minutes.

3.  Regularity is incredibly important and 5 minutes,7 days a week is better than 35 minutes on one day.  Now, 30 minutes every day would be better, or in my case, I would actually prefer a couple of hours, but anything regular is better than nothing!

The big thing is that it is so easy to stay sitting on the couch.  It is so easy to make excuses and think there is not enough time to accomplish anything.  Getting the violin out and getting going is the hardest part!

So far in 2014 I am doing really well!  I have practiced every day but one.  That one day my father-in-law was taken to the emergency room where we spent 12 hours, so I figure that was a pretty good excuse.

Please join me in this challenge!  You can set a shorter goal of a week or a month if you would prefer!

photo credit: wwarby via photopin cc


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