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Tips & Tricks: The Pencil, Important Equipment for all Violinists

small__253412963A couple weekends ago I was rehearsing with Symphony NB.  At many points during the rehearsal, you could hear the sound of many pencils being put down on music stands as we all added markings to our music.  I once had a teacher tell me that the difference between professionals and amateurs is not that professionals do not make mistakes, simply that professionals mark their music so that they do not make the same mistake again.

Marking your music can save you time and make your practice sessions much more effective.  So, what kind of things do I mark on my music?

  1. Fingerings for tricky passages
  2. Sections that I need to practice
  3. Extra instructions that a conductor gives (more separation between the notes, more variety in dynamics, etc.)
  4. Reminders about accidentals or any note that I miss repeatedly
  5. Reminders about dynamics

I tend to mark up my classical music more than fiddle music, but it can be handy in any style of music.

All markings on your music should be made in pencil so that they can be changed.  Also, you need to have an eraser that works for the same reason.

What kind of things do you mark in your music?

photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin cc

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