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Walking 2015km in 2015 – Midyear Report

White sneakers in grassWe are now into August, so that means that the year is more than half over. I thought this would be a good time to report on my health and how it is all going since one of my ongoing goals is to improve my health.

I just reviewed my post from January to see what my goals were at that point.


1. Continue going to Pilates 2-3 times a week.

Success! I have been going regularly at least 2-3 times each week. I try to balance my classes out so that I do one mat class, one apparatus class and one private lesson each week. Some weeks I only fit in two classes, but I feel good about this commitment.

2. Walk 2015km in 2015.

I have been doing quite well with this goal as well. I have been walking as many days as I can and at the end of July had walked 1129km. At that point I should have walked 1175km, so I am not quite on track, but I am very close! If I use equivalents for my Pilates classes (1 min of Pilates = 101 steps) that adds on another 303km, so I am over half way to 2015km.

I have to admit that I feel good about all of my physical activity and that I have maintained this level of activity through 7 months, but I have gained weight. Not a lot, but enough that I notice it. Everyone else has been telling me how good I look, and looking at pictures I can see that too, but I don’t feel as healthy as I have before even though I feel quite fit. The next goal for the rest of 2015 is to move back to healthier eating habits.

My other personal goal for 2015 was to read two books every month, one fiction and one non-fiction. I have increased my reading, which is great, but I am sticking mostly to fiction. I can live with that.

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