Music festival is over for me for another year. It is always a stressful event for both students and teachers. It is impossible to know what someone else is going […]
Music festival is over for me for another year. It is always a stressful event for both students and teachers. It is impossible to know what someone else is going […]
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice… I am sure that you have all heard that old chestnut! Sometimes even once you have practiced a difficult passage until […]
“It sounded so much better at home!” How many times have you said that to your teacher? Trust me, we all have! I know that I had that thought many […]
Recently two students came to me with the same concern. “One moment I can play the piece just fine, but when I try again, it is terrible!” Welcome to life as […]
There is an intrinsic flaw with the way that many of us practice. We tend to start at the beginning, play until we make a mistake, go back to the […]
It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of 2015. I have been told many times that time seems to move faster as you get older… I […]
I know this is kind of silly, but I have a little superstition about the number three. I try to avoid making the same mistake three times in a row. […]
This past Friday, my new band Atlantis was in the recording studio laying down some tracks. We had a great day and got a lot done. 1. Be prepared for […]
So I am preparing to go the studio again next week. This time I will be recording pop covers on the cello. Kind of wild! This is not something I […]