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Tag: 2017

Pushing Through Fear and Procrastination

This has been a very big year!  I released a CD of all original music, arranged parts for Symphony NB to back me up for the launch, played several concerts […]

A House Concert? What’s That?!?

You may have heard about the phenomenon of house concerts. as they are very popular right now with artists.  Over the past couple of years I have played a few […]

News from the “Storm Queen” Project

Things have been moving along with the Storm Queen Project, and I am delighted!   The biggest news is that I have signed on with a publisher!  He will be […]

Fighting Insecurity!

I have always been a shy person.  It is amazing that I have grown up to live such a public life of performing, blogging, and being active on social media! […]

Destined to be an Entrepreneur….

As a child, I did not have it in mind that I was going to be self-employed. Now that I look back on my life, I remember reading “World Magazine”.  […]

Tips & Tricks: Primary Reimbursement

So, in my last blog I talked about how financial advice can carry over into the music world.  This month I wanted to continue with this theme. Primary Reimbursement – […]

2016 – A Year in Review

As many of you know, I love this time of year.  Yes, I love Christmas, but I also love the idea of starting over.  The idea of taking a look […]

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