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Tag: fiddle

Is boredom important for creativity?

  I tend to write most of my music over one or two weeks during the summer.  I have been lucky enough to get residencies through the Fredericton Arts Alliance […]

Not Keeping Up With the Joneses

So, I love Pilates!  I have been doing Pilates for probably close to five years now.  I feel good about myself, and am proud of how far I have come!  […]

Pushing Through Fear and Procrastination

This has been a very big year!  I released a CD of all original music, arranged parts for Symphony NB to back me up for the launch, played several concerts […]

A House Concert? What’s That?!?

You may have heard about the phenomenon of house concerts. as they are very popular right now with artists.  Over the past couple of years I have played a few […]

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

I believe that this is advice given in the financial world…  Well, I would also give this advice in the music world!  This past week I did an interview with […]

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