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Tag: teacher

Reflections on 2018

We are coming to the end of the year, which means that it is time to reflect on what has been going on as well as what is yet to […]

The Business of Teaching

The month of August was challenging for me mentally!  I decided at the end of last year to start treating my teaching studio more as a business.  I have been […]

Why I Love Busking

Around the year 2000 my parents were living in Victoria, BC.  I went out to visit them and decided to try my hand at busking. I got my permit, read […]

A Change is Good, and So Is a Rest

They say that a change is as good as a rest…  This summer I am hoping to do a bit of both!  I always take a break from my teaching schedule […]

Fighting Insecurity!

I have always been a shy person.  It is amazing that I have grown up to live such a public life of performing, blogging, and being active on social media! […]

Destined to be an Entrepreneur….

As a child, I did not have it in mind that I was going to be self-employed. Now that I look back on my life, I remember reading “World Magazine”.  […]

Tips & Tricks: Primary Reimbursement

So, in my last blog I talked about how financial advice can carry over into the music world.  This month I wanted to continue with this theme. Primary Reimbursement – […]

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

I believe that this is advice given in the financial world…  Well, I would also give this advice in the music world!  This past week I did an interview with […]

2016 – A Year in Review

As many of you know, I love this time of year.  Yes, I love Christmas, but I also love the idea of starting over.  The idea of taking a look […]

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