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Author: Web Manager

Reflections on 2018

We are coming to the end of the year, which means that it is time to reflect on what has been going on as well as what is yet to […]

Go Slow to Go Fast

Each year, as I teach my students, I see some of the same issues.  These are all issues that I have had as well!  The issue that I want to […]

Going for the Easy Win

Discouragement happens.  Sometimes when you get stuck it is hard to get yourself motivated again.  This can be in anything!  Music, business, exercise…  The best piece of advice that I […]

The Business of Teaching

The month of August was challenging for me mentally!  I decided at the end of last year to start treating my teaching studio more as a business.  I have been […]

Why I Love Busking

Around the year 2000 my parents were living in Victoria, BC.  I went out to visit them and decided to try my hand at busking. I got my permit, read […]

A Change is Good, and So Is a Rest

They say that a change is as good as a rest…  This summer I am hoping to do a bit of both!  I always take a break from my teaching schedule […]

Is there Progress after Plateau?

Over the years I have taught many adults; a question that is often posed to me is: “Is it worth it for me to continue with this, or am I […]

Is boredom important for creativity?

  I tend to write most of my music over one or two weeks during the summer.  I have been lucky enough to get residencies through the Fredericton Arts Alliance […]

Motivation to be Motivated

You know the saying “Something Done, Ask a Busy Person To Do It”?  Well, that quote describes me so well!  When I am busy and have lots on the go […]

The “Different Folk Live!” Project

I am really pleased that my band Different Folk is finally releasing an album!  We have been performing together for at least ten years now, and have never done more […]

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